I'm New to Trinity

We’re so glad you’ve found us!  We hope and pray you won’t be “new” for long!

At Trinity we believe a Real God comes in real ways for Real People with Real Grace.  We believe that every person is in need of a Savior and that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord who came to and for us and comes to and for us!

The Son of God who is God came to the world in the most real way possible – incarnate, in flesh, as a man for man!  Jesus experienced all that we do, lived a perfect life for us, suffered and died for us, and rose from death for us!

In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus says of Himself:  “Even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45).”  The same God who came as man and gave His life for us still comes in real, tangible ways to be with us and serve us.

He speaks to us through His living Word.  In worship, He speaks the forgiveness of sins we need again and again.  In the preaching and teaching of His Word, He gives us grace, mercy, and life.  He assures and reassures us of His love.  He guides us to faithfully walk with Him in this fallen and hurting world.  In Holy Baptism, God’s act of making us disciples and giving us new life in Jesus, He washes us clean and makes us His own.  In Holy Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, He gives Himself to us - true, real body and blood – in intimate communion with us in, with, and under bread and wine to forgive our sins and strengthen our faith.

In these we experience our Real God in very real ways!  In these He comes to Real People - us - who experience the joys of life and also the struggles, sorrows, brokenness, and sins.  He comes to us in divine love with Real Grace!  The Real Grace of God is given, a gift!  That we are connected to God is 100%, pure grace of God in Christ!  We know we can’t earn it.  We know no one can take it away from us!

As God’s community and family of faith, we strive to reflect the love and grace of God we’ve been given in Jesus so that others experience His love and grace through us and with us!  We live to connect people to Jesus Christ and His growing community of faith!

We invite you to take that next step of being our guest for worship as soon as you’re able!  Come experience and connect with the Real God who comes in real ways for Real People with Real Grace in worship!  Join us for our Sunday Connecting2Christ study groups, too!  We have groups for all ages.  Come and grow together with us as we serve each other within the community of faith at Trinity and serve our community(ies) around us!

We look forward to seeing you soon!

To learn more about what to expect when you come, you can visit here.

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