The Lord’s Supper, or Holy Communion, is a very special meal Jesus gave to His family, His Church, before He died for our sins. According to Jesus’ own Word, Jesus’ true body and blood are present in, with, and under the bread and wine in Communion. Jesus gives Himself to us in a deeply intimate and blessed way! We refer to this as the “Real Presence.” This is a mystery human reason can’t fully comprehend. We take Jesus at His Word by faith!
Our Lord blesses us with awesome benefits in the Lord’s Supper! He forgives our sins, strengthens our faith, and strengthens our union, or connection, with Him and with one another as His body, the Church.
The Lord also tells us in 1 Corinthians 11 that people can receive Christ’s body and blood to their harm. We care deeply for every person and passionately want people to receive Christ’s body and blood for their benefit and not to their harm. Therefore, it is a meal for baptized Christians who trust in Christ alone for salvation, who trust in His Words about His Supper and His Real Presence in Communion, who are repentant of their sin and desire forgiveness, who are willing to forgive others, who are united in a common confession of faith as we commune together, and who are able to examine themselves regarding these things.
Because we desire everyone who communes at Trinity to do so in the faith and unity that our Lord intends, we lovingly ask anyone who is not currently a confirmed member of a Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod congregation, yet desires to receive the Sacrament, to first speak with our pastor, Pastor Michael Croom, about Communion.
If you are a Christian but are not receiving Communion for this reason, we invite and welcome you to the Lord’s altar during the time of Communion for a blessing. It is a joy to give you the blessing of the Lord!